Diverse Talent Ready For Industry
With the lowest cost of living in the Denver Metro area and the fifth lowest in Colorado (EMSI, 2020), employees need only navigate just a few minutes further north of downtown Denver to Adams County and the metro-north area for abundant career opportunities and attainable housing.
Companies and employees alike can take advantage of ongoing skills training at Colorado’s largest community college — Front Range Community College — with accessible campuses in Westminster, Longmont, and Ft. Collins. The school opened a new Center for Integrated Manufacturing in 2019 to provide industry-focused education and hands-on training for modern-day manufacturing workers.
Workforce Overview
The Greater Adams County Region has experienced solid employment growth, and labor force participation is steady.
K-12 Education
Adams County has seven K-12 School Districts. Many offer unique STEM, CTE, and International Baccalaureate programs. In 2020, Adams 12 opened FutureForward at Washington Square, the district’s second career and technical education campus, for 25 different career pathways.
Westminster Public Schools broke ground on an exciting new campus - Ranum Reimagined - that will provide rigorous, hands-on instruction focusing on Career Technical Education programming.
Workforce Training in Adams County
Investing in and training Adams County’s next generation of workers — whether it be students or adults — is among our top priorities. We partner with these organizations to create and ensure a skilled workforce pipeline for existing and relocating companies.